Port of Seattle
Our specialty is providing unique experiences, bringing artists and fans together. We do everything we can to ensure that your onboard experience can't be beat, but we will not be able to book your air travel, hotel, or rental car.
Distance from Port of Seattle to
SEATTLE-TACOMA AIRPORT: 14 miles (20-40 minutes)
Port Address
Port of SeattlePier 66/Bell Street Pier Cruise Terminal
2225 Alaskan Way
Seattle, WA 98121
RideShares - Uber/Lyft
Rideshare services are available at all cruise terminals. Pricing is subject to change and for the most up-to-date information on ride share pricing, Uber and Lyft each offer a price estimator.
Taxi Service
Taxicabs are available at all cruise terminals. Approximately $30.00-$40.00 one way to/from airport. (Rates subject to change)
Parking is available in facilities located in front of individual cruise terminals. Bell Street Parking Garage (Republic Parking) located directly across the street from Pier 66. Cost is approximately $20.00 per day (subject to change). Call Republic Parking: 206-443-1793 for more parking options.